Star City Lodge # 172

The Star City Elks Lodge was chartered in 1927. As when it started its focus is still on community involvement and community needs. Our membership has declined over the years but we still have a membership of 38: 2 Grand Lodge life members, 36 dues paying members of which one is an Honorary Life Member. We own and maintain our own Hall which serves the community well. Our monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday with no recess in the summer months.

The Lodge's largest fund raiser is our annual steak supper and live auction. The Lodge also holds monthly brunches from October to May. Fish Fries are also popular and great fund raisers.

The setup os a local Renal Dialysis Unit in Tisdale has been a project we have made large yearly contributions to. The Elks and Royal Purple Fund for Children along with other sponsorship of special needs children camps. We also receive numerous requests for community improvement projects, seniors health and childrens' programs. The hall is rented out several times each month. The Lodge donates the use of the hall for funerals.

Over the past 10 years the Star City Elks Lodge # 172 has donated over $115,000.00 into our local area, along with thousands of hours of volunteer labour.